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Personal development

Why you should define your fears instead of your goals | Tim Ferriss

CPD Points: 0.3
The hard choices -- what we most fear doing, asking, saying -- are very often exactly what we need to do. How can we overcome self-paralysis and take action?
Relevance to CPD: Teaches techniques for effective planning and decision making.
Length: 0 hours 18 mins

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Why Comfort will Ruin your Life!

CPD Points: 0.35
Learn how dangerous it can be to remain in a state of comfort and how being in discomfort is the only way to sustain growth.
Relevance to CPD: Teaches methods promoting and achieving professional growth in any career.
Length: 0 hours 18 mins

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Whats Your Personality Type?

CPD Points: 0.4
How well do you know you? An MBTI (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator) expert shows you how to identify different personality types with humour and personal experience.
Relevance to CPD: Teaches personality theory and its real life applications to enhance your people skills and work relationships.
Length: 0 hours 25 mins

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What makes us feel good about our work?

CPD Points: 0.4
What motivates us to work? Contrary to conventional wisdom, it isn't just money. But it's not exactly joy either. So what is it? Learn it here.
Relevance to CPD: Teaches what people should focus on at work in order to be happier and more motivated in the workplace.
Length: 0 hours 25 mins

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What is Your Personality

CPD Points: 0.35
Learn the surprising differences between introverts and extroverts and why your personality may be more malleable than you think.
Relevance to CPD: Teaches methods of harnessing personal potential and becoming more effective in the workplace.
Length: 0 hours 20 mins

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What Entrepreneurs Can Learn From Underdogs

CPD Points: 0.8
New Yorker staff writer and best-selling author Malcolm Gladwell shares his business lessons about what professionals can learn from the David and Goliath story.
Relevance to CPD: Teaches business strategies and entrepreneurial skills.
Length: 0 hours 47 mins

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Warren Buffet's 3 criteria for investing each day.

CPD Points: 0.5
Learn how to self apply the three criteria Warren Buffett uses to choose the people in which he trusts with his investments.
Relevance to CPD: Teaches techniques for that enable professional goal achievement in the long-term.
Length: 0 hours 30 mins

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To Reach Beyond Your Limits by Training Your Mind

CPD Points: 0.35
The words that you say to yourself influence how you feel. So tell yourself better things, stretch your mind – make the unfamiliar, familiar.
Relevance to CPD: Teaches emotional intelligence and mental health awareness techniques.
Length: 0 hours 20 mins

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Think Fast, Talk Smart

CPD Points: 1.1
Concerned about an upcoming interview or speaking up during a meeting? Learn techniques that will help you speak spontaneously with greater confidence and clarity in this amazing speech.
Relevance to CPD: Teaches proven techniques that enhance effective communication.
Length: 1 hours 6 mins

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The Skill of Humor

CPD Points: 0.4
Learn how to use humour to become more productive and effective at work.
Relevance to CPD: Teaches techniques to become more productive and effective at work.
Length: 0 hours 25 mins

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The secrets of people who love their jobs

CPD Points: 0.5
Learn the secrets to being happy at work and what you can do to achieve it.
Relevance to CPD: Teaches techniques for becoming a happier, more productive employee.
Length: 0 hours 30 mins

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The Secret to Self Control

CPD Points: 0.35
Learn the breakthrough in behavioral research that can get you to achieve your goals at work and at home.
Relevance to CPD: Teaches techniques for goal achievement
Length: 0 hours 20 mins

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The Secret of Becoming Mentally Strong

CPD Points: 0.35
Author of 13 Things Mentally Strong People Don’t Do, translated into more than 20 languages, teaches us the fundamentals of creating mental strength.
Relevance to CPD: Teaches skills for maintaining mental strength and attitudes for achieving effective productivity.
Length: 0 hours 20 mins

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The Power of Vulnerability

CPD Points: 0.4
Learn how vulnerability works and how to accept it and use it.
Relevance to CPD: Teaches techniques for becoming more effective at work and accepting of others shortcomings.
Length: 0 hours 25 mins

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The Power of Meetings

CPD Points: 0.4
Inspirational entrepreneur, Henric Ehrenblad, shows how he used meetings to push through personal setbacks, the financial crisis, why they never gave up, and how they got the energy to get to where they are today.
Relevance to CPD: Teaches the importance of meeting in achieving objectives and in becoming successful.
Length: 0 hours 25 mins

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The Power Of Introverts

CPD Points: 0.4
Discover the myths which are common misconceptions about introverts and a world without introverts would be a world without artists, scientists, poets.
Relevance to CPD: Teaches abouts a specific personality type in the workplace and their advantages thus improving people skills.
Length: 0 hours 24 mins

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The Power of Habit

CPD Points: 0.35
Pulitzer prize winning writer Charles Duhigg explains why human behavior is compelled by habit and how to take advantage of it.
Relevance to CPD: Teaches techniques for improving productivity and effectiveness at work
Length: 0 hours 20 mins

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The Little Risks You Can Take to Increase Your Luck

CPD Points: 0.25
Luck is rarely a lightning strike, isolated and dramatic -- it's much more like the wind, blowing constantly. Learn three unexpected ways to increase your luck -- and your ability to see and seize opportunities.
Relevance to CPD: Teaches professional development and the workplace applications of risk vs reward theory.
Length: 0 hours 15 mins

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The Gentle Power of Highly Sensitive People

CPD Points: 0.35
Are you a highly sensitive person person (HSP). Learn how to turn your sensitivity into your greatest business asset and become an Empowered HSP Entrepeneur!
Relevance to CPD: Teaches the value of HSPs in the workplace and how to utilise their skills in your workplace.
Length: 0 hours 20 mins

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The Best Way to Win a Negotiation, According to a Harvard Business Professor

CPD Points: 0.8
Harvard professor and author of 'Negotiation Genius,' shows you exactly how to approach and win any negotiation.
Relevance to CPD: Teaches negotiation skills and techniques.
Length: 0 hours 50 mins

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The Art of Stress-Free Productivity

CPD Points: 0.4
Productivity guru and coach David Allen teaches "Stress Free Productivity" skills.
Relevance to CPD: Teaches proven techniques to achieve increased productivity without stress.
Length: 0 hours 25 mins

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The Art of Focus - A Crucial Ability

CPD Points: 0.35
How do you bring out the best in yourself? The answer lies in the word “focus”. Learn how to stay present and use the power of focus.
Relevance to CPD: Teaches techniques for self-discipline and mental focus.
Length: 0 hours 20 mins

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The 4 Secrets To Build Your Self Discipline

CPD Points: 0.25
Self-Discipline is one of the most important indicators of success. Learn how to master self-control and maintain habits that lead to success and a great future.
Relevance to CPD: Teaches you to master self-control, maximise workplace efficiency and eliminate procrastination.
Length: 0 hours 17 mins

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The 1 Minute Rule for Getting Stuff Done

CPD Points: 0.25
The 1 minute rule is a simple productivity hack that can help you break bad habits like procrastination and learn how to get stuff done fast.
Relevance to CPD: Teaches a proven technique for maximising your productivity and work flow.
Length: 0 hours 15 mins

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Shark Tank/ Dragon Robert Herjavec Answers Your Questions and Offers Crucial Advice

CPD Points: 0.8
Serial entrepreneur and Shark Tank star provides the answers to the questions all professionals, entrepreneurs and business owners are asking.
Relevance to CPD: Teaches business strategy and entrepreneurial skills.
Length: 0 hours 46 mins

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Saying YES! to your Weirdness

CPD Points: 0.5
Learn why people tend to treat their weirdness as a dangerous liability. See how weirdness is actually one's greatest asset, serving as a bridge into one's authenticity and becoming more effective in the workplace.
Relevance to CPD: Teaches how to identify and use personal unique gifts that can be used in the workplace to enhance performance.
Length: 0 hours 30 mins

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Reprogramming your brain to overcome fear

CPD Points: 0.3
Learn how to finally beat your fears from award-winning rocket scientist, science entertainer and bestselling author, Olympia LePoint.
Relevance to CPD: Teaches techniques for professional goal attainment and overcoming obstacles.
Length: 0 hours 18 mins

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Own your mistakes

CPD Points: 0.25
Learn about recognising, understanding and owning your own mistakes and how to make sure you learn from each and every one of them.
Relevance to CPD: Teaches professional development and self-evaluation skills.
Length: 0 hours 15 mins

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One simple trick to overcome your biggest fear

CPD Points: 0.3
Learn how to identify and overcome fears in you professional and personal like from New York Times bestselling author Ruth Soukup.
Relevance to CPD: Teaches techniques for goal achievement and overcoming obstacles effectively.
Length: 0 hours 18 mins

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Negotiating-Never Split the Difference

CPD Points: 1
Everything we’ve previously been taught about negotiation is wrong: people are not rational; there is no such thing as ‘fair’; compromise is the worst thing you can do; the real art of negotiation lies in mastering the intricacies of No, not Yes.
Relevance to CPD: Teaches negotiation techniques that can be used in many workplace situations.
Length: 1 hours 0 mins

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Myers Briggs Personality Types Explained - Which One Are You?

CPD Points: 0.25
What makes us who we are? Using the Myers-Briggs test, discover who your friends and colleagues really are, and how to win them over.
Relevance to CPD: Teaches personality type theory that allows you to enhance your people skills, professional communication and improve workplace cohesion.
Length: 0 hours 17 mins

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Increase your self-awareness with one simple fix

CPD Points: 0.35
Learn a simple technique that can instantly produce benefits such as stronger relationships, higher performance and more effective leadership.
Relevance to CPD: Teaches how to form strong business relations, improve people and leadership skills and achieve higher performance in your work environment.
Length: 0 hours 20 mins

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How To Wake Up At 5AM (Even If You Don't Feel Like it)

CPD Points: 0.25
If you're struggling to make time for the things you want to do, you must make time in the morning! In this video learn how to wake up 5am even if you don't feel like it.
Relevance to CPD: Teaches self development and organisational skills.
Length: 0 hours 16 mins

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How to stop screwing yourself over

CPD Points: 0.4
Learn the secret of what holds most of us back and how to tackle it head on.
Relevance to CPD: Teaches strategies for goal setting and achievement.
Length: 0 hours 22 mins

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How to Stop Being Taken Advantage of at Work

CPD Points: 0.25
If you're someone who's tired of being taken advantage of by others around you, watch this video and learn three tips to elimiate this unhealthy way of living.
Relevance to CPD: Teaches commincation and people skills that can be deployed in the workplace.
Length: 0 hours 14 mins

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How to Reprogram Your Mind

CPD Points: 0.25
In this video learn how to reprogram your mind to rid yourself of whats holding you back and give you everything you need to achieve your goals in life.
Relevance to CPD: Teaches professional development, career progression and goal setting techniques.
Length: 0 hours 18 mins

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How To Get Into The Flow State

CPD Points: 0.75
In this video learn the secret behind achieving flow and it can create peak performers. Ignite your highest potential in your work and passions with this FREE masterclass
Relevance to CPD: Teaches professional techniques for workflow optimisation that can be applied in any work environment.
Length: 0 hours 45 mins

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How to find and do work you love

CPD Points: 0.35
Learn why 80% of adults hate the work they do and what the other 20% are doing differently.
Relevance to CPD: Teaches techniques for choosing the correct career path for you which can result in greater workplace performance.
Length: 0 hours 21 mins

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How to Eliminate Self-Doubt Forever

CPD Points: 0.25
Get rid of self-doubt and go after the life you want! Watch this video to discover the techniques behind eliminating self-doubt forever.
Relevance to CPD: Teaches self-development techniques for improved worlplace performance.
Length: 0 hours 15 mins

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How to Break Bad Habits

CPD Points: 0.25
In this video, learn all about the science behind effective habit formation. With these powerful techniques you can eradicate your bad habits and make good habits an effortless part of your day.
Relevance to CPD: Teaches habit formation techniques for personal and professional development as well as self-discipline skills.
Length: 0 hours 16 mins

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How to Achieve Your Most Ambitious Goals

CPD Points: 0.4
Learn an approach to decision making that can transform people who struggle with simple tasks to people who continuously achieve even their most ambitious dreams.
Relevance to CPD: Teach techniques for improving planning and goal achievement.
Length: 0 hours 25 mins

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How craving attention makes you less creative | Joseph Gordon-Levitt

CPD Points: 0.3
Learn how the attention-driven model of social media companies impacts our creativity and productivity.
Relevance to CPD: Teaches techniques for avoiding social media distraction and becoming more focussed at work and in life.
Length: 0 hours 18 mins

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Honest liars -- The Psychology of Self-Deception

CPD Points: 0.3
Learn the truth about self-deception and the effects it can have on our professional lives.
Relevance to CPD: Teaches skills for dealing with the negative effects of self-deception and the negative effects it has on professional lives.
Length: 0 hours 18 mins

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Gray Area Drinking

CPD Points: 0.35
Learn the truth about how and why most of us drink and what we can do to be better.
Relevance to CPD: Teaches the science behind the relationship between alcohol, stress, anxiety and your brain which can impact negatively on workplace productivity.
Length: 0 hours 20 mins

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Get comfortable with being uncomfortable

CPD Points: 0.25
Learn three questions to ask yourself if you're teetering on the edge of speaking up or quieting down and see the benefits of getting a little more comfortable with being uncomfortable.
Relevance to CPD: Teaches techniques for avoiding inaction in the workplace and being more proactive.
Length: 0 hours 15 mins

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Efficient Meetings - 7 Tips To Run an Effective Meeting

CPD Points: 0.25
Productivity specialist, Adriana Girdler, gives her top 7 tips for running effective meetings.
Relevance to CPD: Teaches techniques for having more efficient meetings which saves time and increases productivity in the workplace.
Length: 0 hours 15 mins

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Choices that can Change your Life

CPD Points: 0.5
Five-time New York Times bestselling author and internationally renowned speaker, Caroline Myss, talks about 3 key choices people can make to change their life and worklife.
Relevance to CPD: Teaches principles that can improve both workplace productivity and workplace relationships.
Length: 0 hours 30 mins

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Can You Control Your Own Luck?

CPD Points: 0.3
Peel back the age old enigma of luck. What it really is, what it's not, and how it is within your own power to control.
Relevance to CPD: Teaches professional development and the workplace applications of risk vs reward theory.
Length: 0 hours 22 mins

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Billionaires Do This For 10 Minutes Every Morning

CPD Points: 0.25
Learn the science behind establiashing a morning routine that will boost your productivity and help you achieve your goals.
Relevance to CPD: Teaches self-discipline, self-improvement and effective goal setting techniques.
Length: 0 hours 16 mins

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7 Things Organized People Do That You (Probably) Don't Do

CPD Points: 0.25
Learning how to be an organized person will help you plan more effectively, reduce stress and make you more productive. Learn 7 organisational habits that you need to adopt.
Relevance to CPD: Teaches organisation skills and good habit development techniques.
Length: 0 hours 17 mins

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6 Steps to Get Really Good at Anything

CPD Points: 0.25
In the insightful video learn about the techniques you can apply to master any skill you put your mind too.
Relevance to CPD: Teaches personal development and career progression techniques.
Length: 0 hours 16 mins

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