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Ethics, Equality and Environment

Workplace Bullying Made Simple: Examples

CPD Points: 0.16
Learn exactly what constitutes workplace bullying.
Relevance to CPD: Teaches how to identify bullying actions.
Length: 0 hours 10 mins

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Why we think it's OK to cheat and steal (sometimes)

CPD Points: 0.4
Learn the bugs in our moral code: the hidden reasons we think it's OK to cheat or steal (sometimes).
Relevance to CPD: Teaches reason why employees sometimes steal and how to deal with it.
Length: 0 hours 24 mins

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Why gender equality is not just about women

CPD Points: 0.4
Despite a massive focus on women in the workplace, progress towards a gender equal workplace is slow. What needs to change?
Relevance to CPD: Teaches the approaches required to achieve true gender equality in the workplace.
Length: 0 hours 25 mins

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Why do ethics matter?

CPD Points: 0.4
Learn why ethics is an inherent and necessary component of business, yet is often overlooked.
Relevance to CPD: Teaches the current view of ethics by leaders in many organisations and why ethics are important.
Length: 0 hours 25 mins

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Where in the world is it easiest to get rich?

CPD Points: 0.35
In which society is it easiest to get rich? Contrary to common belief, it is not countries like the US or the UK that create the highest number of rich people per capita. Learn where.
Relevance to CPD: Teaches different strategies for organisations and workplaces to become more efficient through social democracy models.
Length: 0 hours 20 mins

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What really motivates people to be honest in business

CPD Points: 0.3
Each year, one in seven large corporations commits fraud. Why? Let's look inside the economics, ethics and psychology of doing the right thing.
Relevance to CPD: Teaches the psychology of being honest which can help improve ethical behavour in the workplace
Length: 0 hours 18 mins

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What is Corporate Social Responsibility?

CPD Points: 0.25
Learn the basics of Corporate Social Responsibility in the short and enteraining video.
Relevance to CPD: Teaches the fundamental facts about Corporate Social Responsibility.
Length: 0 hours 15 mins

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Understanding Sexual Harassment [Step-By-Step Workplace Guide]

CPD Points: 0.25
By the end of this video, you will not only understand sexual harassment fully, but you'll also have the tools necessary to identify and prevent harassment in your workplace.
Relevance to CPD: Teaches equality, ethics and proper conduct in the workplace that creates a more productive and fair environment.
Length: 0 hours 15 mins

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The Power of Us: How We Stop Sexual Harassment

CPD Points: 0.35
To stop sexual harassment, we must understand why it happens. Learn about the root causes and what each of us can tdo to prevent it.
Relevance to CPD: Teaches appropriate conduct when interacting with other genders which should be applied in the workplace.
Length: 0 hours 20 mins

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The Misconceptions of Social Responsibility of Business

CPD Points: 0.35
Learn the long-term impacts of social responsibility and challenges the idea that caring for society is at the expense of profit.
Relevance to CPD: Teaches misconceptions about the disadvantage of Corporate Social Responsibility for organisations and teaches the benefits..
Length: 0 hours 17 mins

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The Body Shop's principles for Corporate & Economic Responsibility

CPD Points: 0.35
Learn the principles used by The Body Shop that enabled it to become major success while at the same time practice Corporate Social Responsibility.
Relevance to CPD: Teaches benefits, principles and methods of achieving Corporate Social Responsibility for leaders and employees.
Length: 0 hours 20 mins

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No bribery please, we are British.

CPD Points: 1
Learn the nature and extent of bribery used by some of the best British companies as they expand into new territories.
Relevance to CPD: Demonstrates how bribery has been a key part of business, how it works and how it is to be controlled.
Length: 1 hours 0 mins

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Legal vs. Ethical Liability: A Crisis of Leadership and Culture

CPD Points: 0.35
Learn the true causes and effects of unethical behaviour in the workplace and what needs to be done to combat it.
Relevance to CPD: Teaches the facts about unethical behaviour in the workplace and how it should be dealt with.
Length: 0 hours 20 mins

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It's Not You, It's Your Workplace

CPD Points: 0.25
Learn how gender denial makes it impossible to see inequality at work and how this limits women and men’s success.
Relevance to CPD: Teaches how to create and maintain equality in the workplace.
Length: 0 hours 15 mins

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How We Can End Sexual Harassment at Work

CPD Points: 0.35
In this remarkable, fierce talk learn to identify three specific things we can all do to create safer places to work.
Relevance to CPD: Teaches equality, ethics and proper conduct in the workplace that creates a more productive and fair environment.
Length: 0 hours 20 mins

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How to start changing an unhealthy work environment

CPD Points: 0.2
Learn what contributes to a toxic work environment and what the significant factors are that determine our working life quality and how to fix them.
Relevance to CPD: Teaches the causes of toxic workplace environments and a methods of solving the issue.
Length: 0 hours 12 mins

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How to Design Gender Bias Out of Your Workplace

CPD Points: 0.25
Go beyond good intentions and counter unconcious gender bias and foster gender equity in your workplace with this data-driven guide.
Relevance to CPD: Teaches workplace equality and ethics.
Length: 0 hours 16 mins

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Gender Parity: Awareness, Analysis, Action

CPD Points: 0.3
What are gender gaps? Why do they matter? And how can we fix the systems that create them?
Relevance to CPD: Teaches the facts about equality in the workplace and actions required to achieve it.
Length: 0 hours 18 mins

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Depression, the secret we share

CPD Points: 0.6
Learn how the opposite of depression is not happiness in this insightful talk about how openess about depression can lead to others opening up about it and battling the stigma in the workplace.
Relevance to CPD: Teaches methods for raising awareness and dealing with depression in the workplace.
Length: 0 hours 36 mins

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Bullied by Workplace Narcisssists and Psychopaths?

CPD Points: 0.75
Learn the difference between these two types of bullies, how to identify and deal with them effectively.
Relevance to CPD: Teaches techniques for identifying and dealing with bullying in the workplace.
Length: 0 hours 45 mins

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Addressing gender diversity in the workplace

CPD Points: 0.5
In a work environment, it is essential that you can work effectively with your team regardless of their culture. Learn how you can embrace these differences to ensure you're working seamlessly and achieving maximum results.
Relevance to CPD: Teaches best practices for gender diversity in the workplace.
Length: 0 hours 25 mins

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5 Top Tips - Dealing With Sexual Harassment at Work

CPD Points: 0.15
This video gives top tips for dealing with sexual harassment in the workplace.
Relevance to CPD: Teach skills to effect change in the workplace
Length: 0 hours 8 mins

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