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The Best Answer to "What's Your Expected Salary?"

CPD Points: 0.25
"What's Your Expected Salary?" Learn how to negotiate the salary that you deserve from a career expert and award-winning author.
Relevance to CPD: Teaches salary negotiating skills.
Length: 0 hours 8 mins

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Should I Take This Job? | What to Consider Before Accepting a Job Offer

CPD Points: 0.35
Learn 6 questions that you need to ask yourself before accepting a job offer.
Relevance to CPD: Teaches self-evalutation and professional development skills with regards to career progression.
Length: 0 hours 20 mins

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Resume Tips 2019: 3 Steps to a Perfect Resume

CPD Points: 0.4
Learn 3 simple and modern resume tips to ensure your resume shines in 2019 and beyond!
Relevance to CPD: Teaches you to how to prepare a professional and eye catching resume.
Length: 0 hours 25 mins

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Negotiating salary in a new company or practice.

CPD Points: 0.34
Learn the essentials dos and don'ts when negotiating salary for a new position.
Relevance to CPD: Teaches salary negotiation skills and how to get that new job
Length: 0 hours 20 mins

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How To Use LinkedIn To Find A Job

CPD Points: 0.3
98% of recruiters and 85% of hiring managers use LinkedIn to find qualified candidates for open positions. Learn 5 great tips to help you land the job you want.
Relevance to CPD: Teaches how to use the world's leading modern networking tool that enables career growth and progression.
Length: 0 hours 18 mins

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How to NOT be Nervous in Job Interviews

CPD Points: 0.25
Learn 5 tips on how to overcome job interview nerves and how to approach interviews with calm and ease.
Relevance to CPD: Teaches career progression and communcation skills.
Length: 0 hours 13 mins

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How To Get STARTED On LinkedIn In 2020

CPD Points: 0.4
Learn how to get started on LinkedIn so you can create a profile that stands out from the competition.
Relevance to CPD: Teaches how to use the world's leading modern networking tool that enables career growth and progression.
Length: 0 hours 24 mins

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Get Your CV/Resume Noticed by Employers in 5 Seconds Guaranteed

CPD Points: 0.25
Learn how to get your CV/resume noticed by employers from a career expert and award-winning author.
Relevance to CPD: Teaches CV/resume writing and personal marketing skills that enable career progression.
Length: 0 hours 15 mins

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8 CV/Resume Mistakes That Will Kill Your Job Applications | Fix Them Now

CPD Points: 0.25
Learn about 8 CV/resume mistakes that you might be making and how you can fix them, improve your CV/resume and start landing more job interviews.
Relevance to CPD: Teaches CV/resume writing and personal marketing skills that enable career progression.
Length: 0 hours 15 mins

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63 Essential Skills for Your CV

CPD Points: 0.4
Get noticed and land the best jobs by including these in-demand skills in your CV.
Relevance to CPD: Teaches CV/resume writing and personal marketing skills that enable career progression.
Length: 0 hours 25 mins

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13 Good Questions to Ask in an Interview

CPD Points: 0.25
Discover 13 good questions to ask the interviewer in your next job interview, to make a great impression and increase your chances of landing the job.
Relevance to CPD: Teaches interviewing, communication and personal marketing skills that enable career progression.
Length: 0 hours 17 mins

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